Mens Tradie Sunglasses by Moana Road
Moana Road Tradies Sunnies Mens Tradie Sunglasses by Moana Road Mens Tradie Sunglasses by Moana Road Mens Tradie Sunglasses by Moana Road Mens Tradie Sunglasses by Moana Road

or 6 weekly interest-free payments from $6.67 today & 5 weekly interest-free payments of $250.00 with what's this?

The Tradies Sunnies by Moana Road

The best sunnies for tradies!  
Wrap around your face style for extra coolness - bamboo arms/polarized lenses and in four stylie colours.

With Bamboo wooden arms or the wrap around style.

About Moana Road:

Moana Rd is a New Zealand brand that embodies the quintessential kiwi life, with an eclectic mix of quirky Kiwiana homewares, funky fashion accessories and choice-as technology products.​

We celebrate a time when baches were simple boxes surrounded by huge lawns for back yard cricket, jandals stuck to melting asphalt roads, kids rode their bikes everywhere and hokey pokey ice-creams were part of a healthy summer diet.